Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pool Cages Florida

Learn The In And Outs Of Pool Cages Before You Purchase

Yes, like everything else pool cages have changed a lot over the years. No longer do you find just flat top roof pool cages anymore. The mansard or A frame has taken over in Florida and your lifestyle and home design then gives us the direction to design your pool cage.

Florida has also changed the engineering standards and so building your new pool cages takes a lot more layout and design. There is always a fine line when working with your customer on the design but also making the local building department happy and conforming to all the building codes.

One company that is miles ahead of the curve is http://www.absolutealuminum.com/ make sure you check out there web site and photos because they have built some awesome pool cages in Florida.

Yes, not all pool cage contractors are the same. Some try to just meet the minimum code requirements with longer spans but this has shown not to work in high winds in Florida.

When making this type of investment to your home why would you settle just to gain a few inches in view vs building the strongest pool cage available.

Anytime you can buy a stronger pool cage it will be the best investment you can have for your home. Also look at the fasteners and make sure you are getting painted stainless steel fasteners. It's the only way to go and the best pool cage contractors use only them.

Next comes which screen is best for my pool cage? Check out this web site http://poolcagescreen.blogspot.com/ it has a ton of information on screen. I like the part about the Super Screen with the 10 year warranty.

Speaking of warranty you should at least get a 3 year warranty from your pool cage contractor. I believe Absolute Aluminum [the above link] has a minimum 5 year warranty. This shouts out quality because the owner stands behind his product and services.

I hope this helps and gives you the answers you need when you buy a pool cage in Florida.

Glen Kohlenberg

1 comment:

  1. Hi fellas,
    Thank you so much for this wonderful article really!
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